Residential Trainings
Kripalu Summer
5 day MB-EAT Trainings
Enroll for same curriculum and in-depth live online interactive training with the 3 Month Professional Online Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) and Living Training Program. with authorized MB-EAT Teacher Trainer, Andrea Lieberstein and guest presenter: Dr. Jean Kristeller
US and International Residential Trainings upon request. Past and current training locations include Europe, South America, China and Taiwan.
For Health Care Professionals - Spring Program begins April 18, 2025
Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT), developed by Jean Kristeller PhD and supported by NIH-funded research, addresses mindless and stress-related eating, disordered eating patterns, and obesity through the application of mindfulness meditation. This training provides intensive training in the application of our weight inclusive MB-EAT intervention program and mindfulness meditation facilitator training in clinical settings.
Informed by Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction work and the principles of food-intake regulation, the MB-EAT program employs mindfulness meditation, eating exercises, didactic instruction, and self-reflection to cultivate awareness and a more balanced and positive relationship to eating and weight.
Those with a substantive mindfulness meditation practice and related professional/clinical experience with eating issues are eligible to receive the full manual and be qualified to teach the MB-EAT program. Others receive an introduction to the practices of MB-EAT and gain valuable tools, approaches, and information to integrate into their work with others. CE credits available.
Please contact the retreat centers or Andrea at for more details and registration information.